Federal Government from KnowWho »

Federal Government from KnowWho

Base Price:


Total List:


*PLEASE NOTE /M = Per Thousand

List Description:

KnowWho has been helping government relations, lobbying firms, advocacy groups, and the government itself connect with elected officials and their staffs for over 15 years. They maintain the most complete and up-to-date file of federal government contacts and biographical data available from a single, reliable source. Customers turn to KnowWho as the leader in government directories, keeping up with staff, committee, and leadership changes all year. This file of Federal officials offers mailers access to all levels of government, reaching the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Government officials are responsive to many different types of business solutions, including office supplies and furniture, computer supplies and software applications, telecom systems, and a wide variety of other business offers. All records include decision-makers by name and title, with many selects available to deliver your offer to the exact target audience to maximize response rates.

Minimum Order:

5,000 Records

Commission / Credit Policy:

20% to Recognized Brokers. 15% to Recognized Agencies.

Cancel Charges:

All POSTAL/TELEMARKETING orders cancelled prior to the mail date will incur a $50.00 flat cancellation fee, $15.00/M run charges, plus applicable shipping charges. All EMAIL orders cancelled prior to email date will incur a $125.00 flat cancellation fee, plus applicable production / run charges. No cancellations will be accepted after the mail or email date.

Standard Turnaround Time:

One Business Day

Target Region:

  • Domestic


  • One Time Use unless otherwise agreed upon

Available Counts:

Gender $15.00/M
Select Count
Male 33,225
Female 27,116
Phones $50.00/M
Select Count
Total 69,842
Category $20.00/M
Select Count
Government 70,654
Sub Category $20.00/M
Select Count
Federal Executive 20,747
State Executive 18,516
State Legislator Staff 7,155
State Legislator 6,714
Federal Legislator Staff CO 5,702
Federal Legislator Staff DO 4,146
State Committee Staff 2,946
Federal Committee Staff 2,249
State Executive Staff 1,068
Federal Leader or Officer Staff 978
Federal Legislator 540
State Legislative Officer 104
Address Type $20.00/M
Select Count
Federal Executive Department 12,965
State Executive Department 11,564
State Capitol 6,818
State Executive Agency 6,531
Federal Member Staff - Capitol 5,702
Federal Executive Agency 5,534
State Member Staff - Capitol 4,393
Federal Member Staff - District 4,146
State Committee Staff 2,895
State Member Staff - District 2,762
Federal Committee Staff 2,249
Federal Executive Office 2,040
State Executive Office Staff 1,068
Federal Leadership Staff 799
Federal Capitol 550
State Executive Office 431
Federal Legislative Office 222
Federal Officer Staff 179
Federal Caucus Staff 51
Chamber $20.00/M
Select Count
State House 10,039
US House 8,405
State Senate 5,846
US Senate 5,076
State Joint 1,180
State Assembly 218
US Joint 133
Party $20.00/M
Select Count
Republican Party 4,898
Democratic Party 3,989
Democrat Farm Labor Party 123
Non-Partisan 76
Independent 50
Ethnicity $20.00/M
Select Count
White/Caucasian 18,280
Black/African American 2,904
Hispanic/Latino 812
Asian/Pacific American 453
Other 156
Indian/Native American 138
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 73
Two or More Ethnicities 50
Marital Status $20.00/M
Select Count
Married 8,736
Not Stated 2,662
Single 295
Engaged 140
Divorced 102
Widow 92
Religion $20.00/M
Select Count
Baptist 840
Catholic 761
Christian Church 454
Methodist 407
Roman Catholic 338
Lutheran 258
Presbyterian 227
Jewish 190
Episcopalian 155
Protestant - Unspecified Christian 135
Christian - Non-Denominational 87
Church of Christ 85
Mormon 74
Evangelical 50
Organization $20.00/M
Select Count
Department of Health and Human Services 1,855
Department of Justice 1,515
Department of Transportation 1,312
Department of Defense 1,160
Department of Agriculture 1,094
Department of Homeland Security 1,040
Department of Education 1,005
Department of Energy 770
Department of Veterans Affairs 710
Department of Commerce 638
Department of Defense - Navy 612
Department of Labor 582
White House Offices 568
Department of Defense - Army 560
Department of the Interior 532
Department of Treasury 522
Department of Housing and Urban Development 475
Department of Defense - Air Force 428
Department of State 310

Customers also viewed:

This List Rents
  • Mailing Addresses
  • Phone Numbers


Response, Members

List Update Frequency:

Updated Monthly

Selection Pricing:

Selection Price
Gender $15.00/M
Geography $15.00/M
Religion $20.00/M
Marital Status $20.00/M
Ethnicity $20.00/M
Party $20.00/M
Chamber $20.00/M
Address Type $20.00/M
Sub Category $20.00/M
Category $20.00/M
Phones $50.00/M
Organization $20.00/M

Production Charges

Charge Price
Electronic Delivery $65.00/F
Key Coding $5.00/M

Additional Charges May Apply

The Information Refinery, Inc.
1200 MacArthur Blvd
Suite 104
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 800-529-9020
Fax: 201-529-4030
All prices posted are accurate as of the time each data card was published. Actual current pricing may vary slightly due to recent list owner increase or decrease.