- Email Addresses » - Email Addresses

Base Price:


Total List:


*PLEASE NOTE /M = Per Thousand

List Description:

The opt in email is comprised of over 145,000 subscribers to magazines dedicated to providing professionals in all industries a means for them to keep up to date with the latest information, trends, tips and techniques to help them run their businesses more effectively, efficiently and profitably. Multi channel pricing available upon request.

Minimum Order:

5,000 Records

Commission / Credit Policy:

20% to Recognized Brokers. 15% to Recognized Agencies.

Cancel Charges:

All POSTAL/TELEMARKETING orders cancelled prior to the mail date will incur a $50.00 flat cancellation fee, $15.00/M run charges, plus applicable shipping charges. All EMAIL orders cancelled prior to email date will incur a $125.00 flat cancellation fee, plus applicable production / run charges. No cancellations will be accepted after the mail or email date.

Standard Turnaround Time:

One Business Day

Target Region:

  • Domestic


  • Sample Mail Piece
  • One Time Use unless otherwise agreed upon
  • Reuse Clearance

Available Counts:

Gender $15.00/M
Select Count
Male 83,850
Female 38,132
Magazine Category $25.00/M
Select Count
Construction 57,758
Business Services 37,462
Retail 36,363
Architecture 33,437
Executive Management 28,052
Engineering (Construction) 25,379
Environmental 22,818
Sales and Marketing 21,942
Computers and Information Technology 21,883
Building Management and Real Estate 19,851
Food and Beverage 18,812
Electrical 17,936
Interior Design, Furniture, Fashions 17,531
Internet 17,525
Utility and Energy 17,023
Industrial and Manufacturing 16,965
Multimedia 16,742
Landscape 16,546
Wholesale Trade 15,260
Engineering (Industrial) 14,394
Entertainment and Recreation 14,028
Transportation and Logistics 13,437
Automotive 13,376
Oil, Gas, and Electrical Energy 12,709
Science and Research 12,570
Finance 12,281
One Click Subscriptions 11,737
Human Resources 11,725
Government and Safety 10,839
Plumbing and HVAC 10,705
Metal, Mechanical and Machinery 10,354
Woodworking 9,803
Network / Communications 9,614
Wireless and Telecommunications 9,060
Construction Catalogs 9,041
Meetings and Travel 8,471
Waste Management and Water Supply 8,359
Healthcare 8,232
Purchasing and Procurement 8,008
Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals 7,031
Insurance 6,266
Veterinary 6,191
Electronics / OEM 5,599
Information Technology Whitepapers 5,396
Agriculture 5,217
Hidden Items 5,099
Consumer 4,524
Forestry, Paper and Wood Products 3,717
Printing 2,605
IT Data Management Whitepapers 2,287
Mining 1,969
IT Storage Whitepapers 1,811
Publishing 1,668
Whitepapers 1,570
IT Security Whitepapers 1,516
Software Catalogs 1,367
Sweepstakes 737
Business Type $20.00/M
Select Count
General Contractor 2,224
Builder 1,859
Remodeler 1,692
Business Other 1,566
Designer 1,495
Sub Contractor 1,379
Engineer 1,047
Developer 899
Manufacturer 888
Architect 733
Property Manager 678
Job Title $20.00/M
Select Count
Corporate Management 51,340
Owner / President / CEO 45,532
Manager / Supervisor 7,708
Sales / Marketing 2,683
Engineer 1,500
Project Manager 1,331
Designer 1,156
Architect 745
Interior Designer 461

Customers also viewed:

This List Rents
  • Email Addresses


Response, Internet, Single Opt-In, Active Subscribers

List Update Frequency:

Updated Monthly

Selection Pricing:

Selection Price
Magazine Category $25.00/M
Gender $15.00/M
Geography $15.00/M
Business Type $20.00/M
Job Title $20.00/M

Production Charges

Charge Price
Email Transmission Run Charge $75.00/M
Email Setup $50.00/F
Email Suppress $75.00/F
Email Personalization $10.00/M

Additional Charges May Apply

The Information Refinery, Inc.
1200 MacArthur Blvd
Suite 104
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 800-529-9020
Fax: 201-529-4030
All prices posted are accurate as of the time each data card was published. Actual current pricing may vary slightly due to recent list owner increase or decrease.